The bridge that everyone wants to cross

2 min readJun 27, 2021

Is that a troll I see guarding that bridge? No, it’s a BULL!!!

As we are nearing our launch date you must know that we will be launching on three different chains at the same time. Because we have this opportunity we will be seizing it and make a sturdy bridge between all of them with our native token BULL.

We want all of our users to be free to cross any chain they want, whenever they want in just some easy and simple steps. We will be adding more functionality to the bridge in the future but at first it will operate between the chains we have at launch. Don’t worry though! We see a future where all the main smart chains are linked together by BULL.

The functionality of the bridge is quite simple for you guys, just get the quantity of BULL you want to get to the other side into the interface, the wallet address and the chain and presto, you are done. Now you have your precious BULL in your preferred chain.

As we go forward the bridge will receive updates letting us connect different chains and even use different tokens to cross the bridge.

All of this, which looks easy on the surface, is possible thanks to our amazing devs who have been working on this non stop. And don’t be afraid, the liquidity for all this is used from a separate reserve just for the bridge, so it will not impact the price in any way.

See you guys in our next update!

Be Bullish

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Innovative Multi-Chain DeFi EcoSystem, with Yield Farming, Staking, a Bridge, Interactive Games and NFTs. You can Farm, Bridge and Play