Rewards for Fun and Profit

2 min readJul 3, 2021

Back when BullRun started on the drawing board (and it didn’t have a name), we knew we wanted to provide the community with something unique.

Although the team is anon, we are all defi power users, some of us with many years on our back and we knew 2 things:

  • Providing usability on defi, sinks or floats the token;
  • Most people will always look for their personal gains first.

So, a conundrum was born. If a yield farm is to be successful, it needs a strong token that accompanies the growth, but as the token gets more valuable, people will be tempted to sell it and consolidate profit.

Our solution is so simple and elegant that we believe it will become the basis of any yield farming dapp going forward. Enter Distributed Rewards.

Distributed Rewards are used to recognize Liquidity Providers, and we do it in the simplest but most powerful way. 37.5% of the deposit fee (or 1.5% out of 4%) will be rewarded directly to Liquidity Providers that stake their LP tokens on BullRun Finance. We are talking more than a third of protocol profit, sent directly back to the community and harvestable by anyone staking their BULL/X LP Token.

As we have said before if BULL is to be successful it needs to provide usability outside of dumping it at the first opportunity.

See you guys in our next update!

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Innovative Multi-Chain DeFi EcoSystem, with Yield Farming, Staking, a Bridge, Interactive Games and NFTs. You can Farm, Bridge and Play